来自二月的笔记. 2006年董事会会议


索科罗,N.M.2月. 2006年8月28日,大学管理人员给ag亚游集团App下载颁发了一份证书 Board of Regents a comprehensive review of the recently concluded State Legislative session, and by all accounts the state-supported research university in Socorro fared very well this year in garnering state funding for its operation and programs.

新墨西哥科技公司总裁丹尼尔. López告诉大学管理委员会 2月ruary 28th meeting that the 2006 session of the New Mexico State Legislature was “a very, very successful legislative session” in terms of funding for the university.

López cautioned, however, that state funding that was approved by state legislators for the next fiscal year was still in its preliminary stages, “since the Governor has not yet exercised his prerogatives,” referring to the fact that Governor Richardson has not yet approved the state budget, capital outlay bill, or other funding measures.

“All in all, I think we were extremely successful in getting the legislation passed in order to meet the university’s immediate needs, particularly with respect to infrastructure 替代和改进,”López说.

The ag亚游集团App下载 President provided several examples of university programs that garnered state funding to the Board of Regents, including the following:

In addition, López told the regents that ag亚游集团App下载 will be getting its fair share of funding available through several higher education infrastructure projects approved by the State Legislature for state universities, including $60 million for dealing with water, utilities, and other infrastructure deficiencies, $20 million for Building Renewal and Replacement upgrades, and $20 million for an Endowed Chair 基金.

基金ing for two major capital outlay projects on the ag亚游集团App下载 campus — $1 million to complete the third-floor of the Fidel 学生服务 Center and $6.500万年 to renovate the Kelly Building — will be included in General Obligation (GO) Bond issues to be considered by New Mexico voters during the upcoming General Election 在11月.

In other announcements made during the ag亚游集团App下载 Board of Regents’ monthly meeting, President López informed the regents that the university had recently been inducted 进入新墨西哥州矿业名人堂.

López also mentioned that he had been recently appointed by Governor Richardson to the unofficial post of “Hydrogen Energy Point Person,” meaning that ag亚游集团App下载 could stand to gain slightly more than a $1 million in state funding to develop and 管理新墨西哥州的氢能源项目.

During the board meeting, John Meason, director of the university’s Energetic Materials 研究 and Testing Center (EMRTC), presented an extensive overview of the Playas 培训中心,位于Playas, N.M.

In official actions taken during its meeting, the ag亚游集团App下载 Board of Regents held its annual election for officers and unanimously chose Richard Carpenter of Santa Fe as the board president and Jerry Armijo as the board secretary/treasurer.

Furthermore, the regents approved a list of academic degrees which had been granted to recent Tech graduates at the end of the 2005 Fall Semester, and also gave their approval to a service contract allowing the architectural firm of Van H. 吉尔伯特, proceed with the preliminary phase for the planning and design of a new facility for 新墨西哥州地质局 & 矿产资源.

In addition, the board of regents also was informed of four contracts ag亚游集团App下载 had recently entered into through restricted funds purchases in excess of $100,000. Three of the contracts were related to the university’s management of the Southwest Regional Partnership for Carbon Sequestration, while the fourth contract was related 学校的Magdalena Ridge天文台(MRO)项目.

During its monthly meeting, the ag亚游集团App下载 Board of Regents was notified that sabbatical leaves had been granted to several Tech faculty members, including geophysics professor Richard Aster; materials engineering professor Gillian Bond; English professor Susan Dunston; psychology professor Mark Samuels; chemical engineering professor Donald Weinkaupf; and history professor Scott Zeman.

The ag亚游集团App下载 governing board also presented Weinkaupf with a plaque in recognition of his having been named as one of the nation’s seven Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar 奖. It was noted that Weinkaupf is the first faculty member among New Mexico’s research universities to receive this national award, which comes with a $60,000 unrestricted 研究资助.